
Upon completion of the Big Canoe Chapel Congregational Assessment, the Chapel Board of Trustees established the Visionary Leadership Committee. The committee is made up of Chapel congregational members and approved by the Chapel Board of Trustees to review the recommendations of the assessment and recommend actions to address the Assessment Recommendations. The Visionary Leadership Committee was tasked by the Chapel Board of Trustees to report to the Chapel congregation and the Chapel Board of Trustees as the committee progresses through the recommendations with action for each recommendation.

The Visionary Leadership Committee is meeting monthly to address the report recommendations. To ensure a thorough review the Committee has been divided into sub-committees for each recommendation in the Chapel Congregation Assessment Report. Each of these sub-committees meets monthly to discuss/review best practices/organizational changes/and assess what action(s) are needed to address the Report. All actions required by the sub-committees will be reviewed, discussed, and approved with Visionary Leadership Committee, before the recommendation and/or actions are taken to the Chapel Congregation and the Chapel Board of Trustees.



  1. Year of Jubilee
  2. Multi-Denomination
  3. Chapel 55+ Congregation
  4. Chapel Vision
  5. Spiritual Leadership


Members of the Committee

  1. Ron Ceravolo - Chair
  2. Carl Lundstrom
  3. Chuck Gordon
  4. Paula Sloan
  5. Wade Starling
  6. Liz Donovan Davis
  7. Susan Eanes
  8. Fran Farias
  9. Devon Collins
  10. Pam Hopper
  11. Ted Sprague
  12. Dan Bellenger
  13. David Apple
  14. Tommy Green

If you have any questions concerning recommendations, action proposed, suggestions/want to be member of the sub-committees contact Ron Ceravolo Chair of the Visionary Leadership Committee.